Please turn this HW in to Michael Saccone's mailbox in the physics department mailroom by 6 PM on Monday, May 13.
"What does the wave-function mean?". The knowledge you gain from problems 1 & 2 will help us address that essential question soon.
Problem 3 is relevant to your understanding of what an energy eigenstate is.
Problems 5-10 provide an introduction to quantum mechanics in 2 dimensions, motion in 2D, and the meaning and importance of degeneracy.
1. Suppose \(V(x) = .076\, x^2/2\) (and thus \(a\approx1\:nm)\) for \(t<0\) and that \(V(x) = -\alpha \: \delta(x)\) for \(t \geq 0\). That is, the potential changes abruptly from a HO to a delta function at t=0.
a) Consider an electron in the GS of the HO potential for t<0. Show that if \(\alpha = .076\: eV*nm\) then the probability of the electron being trapped (localized, confined) in the GS of the delta function after t=0 is about \(.98^2\), that is, about 96%. Sketch the ground state wave-functions for each of these two potentials.
b) Now suppose that instead the delta function has a strength of \(\alpha = 1.0 \: eV*nm\) for t > 0. Sketch the ground state wave-function for each of these potentials and
discuss their similarities and differences. Which seems more localized? What is the probability of the electron being trapped in the GS of the delta function after t=0 in this case?
c) extra credit: For \(\alpha=1\), what is the error if you take the the \(e^{-x^2/2a^2}\) out of the integral and use its value (that is, the value of the Gaussian) at the position of the peak of the ground state of the delta-function potential instead (in the case, that is x=0)? Using that approximation show that the probability of trapping the electron which is originally in the ground state of the HO potential is proportional to \(\psi^{*ho}_1(x_o)\psi_1^{ho}(x_o)\), where \(x_o\) is the position of the peak of the delta function. This provides some insight into why \(\psi^*\psi\) is called the probability density.
2. Consider an electron in the ground state of a finite square well potential, \(V(x) = -0.3 eV,\: -1 < x<1\) nm for \(t \leq 0\). Suppose the potential suddenly changes into \(V(x) = -0.6 \:eV*nm \:
\delta(x)\) for \(t \geq 0\). That is, the potential changes abruptly
from a finite square well which is 2 nm wide and -0.3 eV deep, to an extremely narrow finite square well with the same "area" in eV*nm which we choose to approximate as a delta function.
a) Sketch the ground state wave-function for each of these
potentials and discuss their similarities and differences. Which seems
more localized? Which is larger at x=0?
b) Calculate the approximate* probability of the
electron being trapped (localized, confined) in the GS of the delta
function(DF) after t=0. *From the relatively localized nature of the DF GS, you can probably see that contributions to the integral from outside the well will be negligible. I would strongly encourage you to make that approximation or an even more severe approximation. This will save you time and it will be plenty accurate. You can even take the cos function out of the integral and just use its value at the location of the delta function to make things even simpler.
c) extra credit: What energy of photon would you need to use in order
to excite this electron into an unbound state for t<0. What energy of photon would you need to use in order
to excite this electron into an unbound state for t>0.
3. a) For an infinite square well extending from -1nm to 1nm, consider the state \(\psi(x) = 1.265 cos^3(\pi x/2)\). Does this wave-function satisfy the boundary conditions for this well? Is it a valid state for an electron? Is it an energy-eigenstate wave-function?
b) extra credit: What energy of photon might you want to use in order to excite this electron into the 3rd excited state of this well? (That is, \(\psi_4(x)=sin(4\pi x/2)\) which has an energy \(E_4=16\hbar^2 \pi^2/(2mL^2)\).
A two-dimensional harmonic oscillator (2DHO) will be our first system involving more that 1 spatial dimension. It will be helpful to review aspects of the 1DHO. That is the reason for problem 4.
4. Consider a potential of the form \(V(x) = kx^2/2\). Show that a function of the form \(e^{-x^2/(2a^2)}\) satisfies the TISE if and only if \(a^4=\hbar^2/(m k)\) and \(E = \frac{\hbar}{2} \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}\)
5. 2DHO. In two-dimensions the TISE can be written as,
\( - \frac {\hbar^2}{2m} \frac {\partial^2} {\partial x^2} \psi (x,y) - \frac {\hbar^2}{2m} \frac {\partial^2} {\partial y^2} \psi (x,y) + V(x,y) \psi(x,y) = E \psi(x) \)
with \(V(x,y) = \frac{k}{2}(x^2 + y^2)\) .
a) Show that one can satisfy the TISE with a function of the form \(e^{-x^2/2a^2}e^{-y^2/2a^2}\). What energy and value of the length scale parameter "a" are required?
b) Normalize this spatial wave function, and then write down the normalized time dependent wave-function.
c) Use contour plots to illustrate the nature of this wave-function.
d) Is this an energy eigenstate wave-function?
6. a) Show that one can satisfy the TISE for a 2DHO with a function of the form
\(xe^{-x^2/2a^2}e^{-y^2/2a^2}\). What energy and value of the length
scale parameter "a" are required?
b) Normalize this spatial wave function.
c) Use contour plots to illustrate the nature of this wave-function.
d) Is this an energy eigenstate wave-function?
7. Consider an electron in a state of the form \((\frac{a}{\sqrt{2}} + x)e^{-x^2/2a^2}e^{-y^2/2a^2}\).
a) Normalize this state. Use a contour plot to illustrate the nature of this wave-function at t=0.
b) Is this an energy eigenstate? Why or why not?
c) Write the full time-dependent wave-function associated with this spatial state.
d) Make contour plots of \(\Psi^*(x,y,t)\Psi(x,y,t)\) at t=0 and and \(t=\pi \sqrt{m/k}\). What do these contour plots suggest about the nature of the electron motion for an electron in this state?
e) extra credit: Calculate and graph \(\langle x \rangle\) and \(\langle y \rangle\). Describe in words the motion you see modeled here.
8. Consider a state of the form \((x+y)e^{-x^2/2a^2}e^{-y^2/2a^2}\).
Normalize this state. Is this an energy eigenstate wave-function? Why or why not?
b) Use a contour plot to illustrate the nature of this state at t=0.
c) Write the full time dependent state for this spatial wave-function.
d) extra credit: Calculate \(\langle x \rangle\) and
\(\langle y \rangle\) for an electron in this state.
9. Consider an electron in the state \(\frac{1}{a\sqrt{2 \pi}}(1 + x/a + y/a)e^{-x^2/2a^2}e^{-y^2/2a^2}\).
a) Is this state normalized? Is it an energy eigenstate?
b) Make contour plots of \(\Psi^*(x,y,t)\Psi(x,y,t)\) at t=0 and
\(t=\pi \sqrt{m/k}\). What do these contour plots suggest about the
nature of the electron motion for an electron in this state?
extra credit: Calculate and graph \(\langle x \rangle\) and \(\langle y
\rangle\). Describe in words the motion you see modeled here.
10. Consider an electron in the state \(\Psi(x,y) = \frac{1}{a\sqrt{2 \pi}}(1 + x/a + i y/a)e^{-x^2/2a^2}e^{-y^2/2a^2}\).
a) Is this state normalized? Is it an energy eigenstate?
b) Make contour plots of \(\Psi^*(x,y,t)\Psi(x,y,t)\) at t=0 and and
\(t=\pi \sqrt{m/k}\). What do these contour plots suggest about the
nature of the electron motion for an electron in this state?
c) Make contour plots of \(\Psi^*(x,y,t)\Psi(x,y,t)\) at \(t=\pi \sqrt{m/k}/2\) and \(t=3 \pi \sqrt{m/k}/2\) .
extra credit: Calculate and graph \(\langle x \rangle\) and \(\langle y
\rangle\). Describe in words the motion you see modeled here.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
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Midterm 2 solutions
Here are solutions to midterm 2. I see that I did not write it in the solutions, but it is helpful for sp2 type integrals to recall that \(\...

HW5 soln link I would recommend starting on this soon ...
Please turn in HW 7 to Michael Saccone's mailbox in the physics department mailroom by 6 PM on Monday, May 20
Please turn this HW in to Michael Saccone's mailbox in the physics department mailroom by 6 PM on Monday, May 13. "What does...
I am thinking Monday.
ReplyDeleteNice. Looking at the graph (sketch)for part b might help answer your questions. Which looks more localized?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not zero because neither of those functions has a node and the integrand is positive everywhere. .206 seems pretty reasonable to me.
ReplyDeletefor #1a, I have been trying to use integral tables, but I have been ending up with erf(1/sqrt(2)) in my answers. Are we supposed to evaluate the error function analytically / at all?
ReplyDeleteYou can only evaluate the error function analytically at 0 or infinity, and maybe a few special points, I'm not sure, but typically you need to do it numerically.
DeleteDid you get 0.206 as the final result for the inner product, or the result of an integral after pulling some constants out front?
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ReplyDeleteDid you mean to put a 16 in front of the energy for problem 3? You wrote the infinite square well ground state energy, which scales as n squared for higher states, so if n is 4 for this state, there should be a factor of 16 there.
ReplyDeleteRight! So true. Thank you Monica! Much appreciated. I think this is actually a really interesting problem. No difficult calculations involved, but very valuable in terms on the concepts and thought it can engender.
DeleteQuestion from student:
ReplyDelete"What is the exact definition of an energy eigenstate? The homework often asks whether a state is an energy eigenstate, but I'm not sure exactly what it's asking for."
my reply:
An energy eigenstate has a precise and specific energy. Its time dependence can be expressed as a single phase factor, \(e^{-iE_n t/\hbar}\), where \(E_n\) is the energy of the eigenstate. The ground state of a infinite square well is an energy eigenstate; its time-dependent wave-function can be written as: \(\psi_1(x)e^{-i E_1 t/\hbar}\).
I'm a little confused about the approximation in part c of problem 1. Do you want to replace the gaussian term with the coefficient of the HO wave function or the delta wave function? Conceptually I feel like it should be the HO coefficient since that is the value the gaussian would have at x=0, but you said the delta one so if someone could explain why that would be helpful.
ReplyDeleteYour intuition is totally correct. (the HO coefficient). I don't think I said the delta one. I clarified a bit with some added underlined text in the problem.
DeleteYour way is correct and mathematically justifiable. Do it your way.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteProblems 6 and 7 ask for the Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation (TDSE) for the 2D HO. Is this as simple as tacking on Exp[-iEt/hbar] to the TISE, like we did for the 1D HO? I am not sure about the E (energy) term in the expression, e.g., does this need to be some combined energy, like E = En + Em? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteNo. Problem 6 and 7 do not ask for that.
DeleteProblem 7c says:
Write the full time-dependent wave-function associated with this spatial state.
That refers to a wave-function, not the wave equation. I think you might be confusing wave-function and Schrodinger equation. There are very different.
After taking closer look at the "Guide to HW 6" post, I think I see what to do.
DeleteFor number 6 you should not have to worry about time dependence. This is because you should get that it is an energy eigenstate. Number 7, however, is not an energy eigenstate so you do need to worry about time dependence.
DeleteIt is almost as easy as just tacking on an \( e^{-iEt/\hbar} \). You need to write \( \Psi \) in terms of energy eigenstates, and each of the these energy eigenstates has its own \( e^{-iEt/\hbar} \) attached to it.
So in other words, you should have as many factors of \( e^{-iEt/\hbar} \) as you have energy eigenstates.
No, definitely don't do it that way. That would be extremely time consuming as you say and pretty much a waste of time. There are easier ways. Consider that you know the form of every eigenfunction that is linear in x or y. We covered those in class. Did you see the notes uploaded on that in the "Guide to HW 6" post? When you need a superposition of eigenstates with differing energy to make a state, then it is not an energy eigenstate.
ReplyDeleteYes. That is a very important point.
ReplyDeleteHint for number 3. You can write \( \Psi \) as a combination of two energy-eigenstates and therefore there are two possible different photon energies that could excite it exactly to \( \Psi_4 \)
ReplyDeleteI think you are saying that in the normalization integral, the cross terms integrate to zero. I agree.
ReplyDeleteAlso, another way to look at it is to recognize this state as a linear combination of 2x and 2y, which are both 1st excited states with energy 2*hbar*omega