Monday, June 3, 2019

HW 9. operators. With solutions

Please turn this in to Michael Saccone's mailbox in the physics department mail room by 5 PM on Friday.
Please click this link to see solutions.
To do this you would need to first watch the videos in the post on raising and lowering operators. (May 29).  The notation is the same as the book.  The ground state is denoted as: \(|0\rangle\).

1. Consider an electron in a 1D harmonic oscillator potential. Suppose the electron is in a state which is an equal mix of the ground state and the first-excited state.
a) Write the time-dependent state in Dirac notation.
b) Calculate \(\langle x \rangle\). Calculate \(\langle p \rangle\).
c) Graph \(\langle x \rangle\) as a function of time.

2. Consider an electron in a 1D harmonic oscillator potential. Suppose the electron is in a state which is an equal mix of the ground state and the second-excited state.
a) Write the time-dependent state in Dirac notation.
b) Calculate \(\langle x^2 \rangle\). Calculate \(\langle p^2 \rangle\).
c) Graph \(\langle x^2 \rangle\) as a function of time.
d) Graph the PE and KE expectation values as a function of time.

3.  Calculate \(\langle x^2 \rangle\) and  \(\langle p^2 \rangle\) for an electron in the nth energy eigenstate of a 1D HO.
Note: I added two more videos into the post on raising and lowering operators. These videos show how you can calculate a time dependent expectation value.


  1. What time and date will our final be?

    1. I am thinking Wednesday 12-3 PM. It is actually set by the registrar, but I am totally thinking that it is next Wednesday at noon.

  2. For 1 b) do we still need to use the time-dependent states to find the epectation values of x and p?

    1. Yes. But you can use Dirac notation and raising and lowering operators for the spatial part. So there are no integrals. The time dependent part is the same as before.

    2. I added two more videos into the post on raising and lowering operators to help address this point. These videos show how you can calculate a time dependent expectation value.


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